ISC Education: Tổ chức giáo dục uy tín số 1 Việt Nam tuyển dụng


Job Description

  • Develop ideas, execute, and take responsibility for marketing campaigns.
  • Plan, implement, and host events and workshops following international standards.
  • Create and manage content (including images and videos) across platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, etc.
  • Write content, develop video scripts, and participate in video production.
  • Research customer insights, analyze trends, and stay updated on the evolving mechanisms of TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, etc.
  • Collaborate with the team to develop and manage marketing campaigns, contributing creative content ideas.
  • Perform other tasks as assigned by the department head.

Job Requirements

  • Energetic and enthusiastic in work.
  • Strong sense of trends and aesthetics, with creativity, idea generation, and presentation skills.
  • Skilled in scripting.
  • Capable of in-depth research.
  • Strong presentation skills.
  • Good communication skills and ability to work in English.
  • Experience studying and working in an international environment is an advantage.
  • Basic Photoshop & video editing skills are a plus.


  • Fixed salary: Negotiable + bonus
  • Guidance and professional support provided
  • Participation in company annual team-building activities & retreats
  • Friendly & professional working environment in the international education sector

Job Location


  • Office 2: 8th Floor, Daeha Building, 360 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

Cách thức tuyển dụng

  • Các bạn quan tâm vui lòng gửi CV và Portfolio về địa chỉ email hoặc
    • (Tiêu đề email vui lòng ghi rõ Họ tên + Vị trí làm việc. Ví dụ: UV_Nguyen Van A_Education Counselor).
  • Hoặc nộp hồ sơ trực tuyến bằng cách Gửi CV qua form dưới đây.




ISC was founded in 2000, one of the top education advisory and training groups in Vietnam. We provide high quality all-level English courses and soft skill training with advanced teaching methodology. ISC provides overseas study advisory services as well as domestic and abroad training courses to corporate clients. With more than two decades of experiences, the company has provided access to innovative English courses and overseas study programs to thousands of Vietnamese students. We send students to top host countries around the world including the UK, Ireland, the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore.

Mọi thắc mắc về thông tin tuyển dụng vui lòng liên hệ ISC Education theo Hotline 02437925288 để được giải đáp miễn phí

ISC Education

Tập đoàn tư vấn giáo dục số 1 tại Việt Nam

Gần 30 năm

Kinh nghiệm

1000+ đối tác

Trường & Tổ chức giáo dục uy tín thế giới

90.000+ học sinh

Du học thành công

Hotline: 1800.55.88.48

ISC Education Hà Nội

ISC Education Hà Nội Center
ISC Education Hà Nội West

ISC Education Hồ Chí Minh